
                                 Welcome on BUYeROOM

            Welcome on BUYeROOM where you can find stuff for your room and not only.

Products to buy here could be brand new or use but always in good condition.  
All items will include photos or videos with correct item specifics.

but the answer is how this is working?

                                                               How to Enter?
1.Click on an Item you would like to Buy.
2.Purchase price of your raffle is under each item.
3.The Raffle closes first week of the month.
  If you're one of the lucky winners, I will notify you with a message 
  by email or text message on your phone.

                                                           How it's working
Why to paying full amount for expensive item when you can have a chance to get It
for Much less. 
Its easy! It works like a normal website but the fact is you don't have to pay the full amount for product. Yes correct.
You buying items for small amout.Like a lottery tickets the more you buy the more chances you could get.
So the more tickets you buy,the greater chance of Winning!
for example : If there is a product cost £50 and the cost of one ticket could be £0.50.
You can get this product if you're lucky for JUST £0.50.
 Just need to buy a ticket,Buy as many as you want.
The winner will get an update by email.

Go to the website https://buyeroom.company.site/ 
and start....Click on Buy Now button under the product you're interested in.Go to shopping basket.
Put your email and pay by card or paypal.

                                                              Lucky draw

Make sure you using the same email address if u want to buy more tickets to have more chances to win.

                                ALL Item to buy you will find on BUYeROOM page.


I'm happy to answer all your question about products or even you can give me some ideas to make this site looks more better and easier for you.
You can always contact me on email by filling contact form on the bottom or put a comment below.
Products may include delivery shipping charge.
Delivery depends on location.
Go on this website https://buyeroom.company.site/